Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Doomsday – Planet overloaded

Judgment Day:

What is judgment day and how we are going to end up in nothing but with order of ALLAH. ALLAH Almighty will order all creation to die.
All of the creations will be dead in less than second. Then judgement day will begin.

On this very day everyone’s sins and good deeds will be calculated and ALLAH almighty will announce jannah (heaven) or dozakh (hell) for everyone. Here we will be in eternity.

we as muslims strongly believe that we will be going in jannah because last messenger of ALLAH, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is with promised with ALLAH. ALLAH said all muslims will go into Jannah after paying their debts in Hell in they had any. So we must carefully think about our deeds in this life because this life is just a journey to improve yourselves from bad deeds.

It is very simple exam for us, if you do good deeds you will go in jannah, if you are doing bad deeds you will burn in hell fire

Now watch the heart touching speech in this below video:


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